Cyber Attacks

This website has been subject to a number of Cyber Attacks over the last few weeks.

Despite our best efforts this has resulted in the website being unavailable for some periods.

The result can be very obvious as the site becomes unreadable – it appears to be a website in Japanese/Chinese/Korean.

Other times you will see a Server error 500 or similar as they have failed to take over the site, simply breaking it.

We are doing everything we can to stop these attacks but the perpertrators are very smart and have nothing better to do than cause problems.

Apologies if the site is not available. If you have a query please contact Sylvia direct or any member of the Parish Council.

Website Unavailable

We are currently in the middle of moving to a new hosting platform and there have been periods over that past fortnight when the website was unavailable.

This may also happen over the next few days also as most of this is beyond our control.



Clothing Bank

The Parish Council have made a decision to introduce a Clothing Bank to the Village.  This will be located next to the current Bottle Bank.   We will be trying this out for a period of six months to see how things go.

All clothing and shoes placed in the Clothing Bank will go to recycling or re-purposing and the Parish Council will be recompensed by the ton and any income derived from this will be helpful to the upkeep of the village roads and trees.  It wont be huge amounts of money but everything and anything will help.

The Clothing Bank will be closely monitored to ensure that we do not end up with bags of clothing dumped because the bin is full, however, we are advised the bin will be emptied on a regular basis.  The reason the location was thus chosen is because we already have the bottle bank insitu and because it was felt that in full view it is hopefully less likely we will end up with a mess.  However, we will see what transpires.

Santon Downham Parish Council – 5th July 2022

Road Resurface Project Marks Lane down to paddocks

Work will be undertaken on the re-surfacing from the top of the road right down to the paddocks and following the road as is in the ownership of the Parish Council.  This work will commence on Thursday 4th November and hopefully be completed  during Friday 5th November.   In order to adhere to the terms covering the guarantee, it will be necessary to cut off vehicular access from Thursday right through to early Monday morning 8th November.   The top of the road will therefore be cordoned off for this period and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Naturally emergency services will be able to access the road.

All property owners in this area are fully aware of the situation.




Advice has been received of a power cut on Monday, 19th July 2021 from approximately 9.30 and to 13.00 hours

UK Power Networks are improving the reliability of the electricity in our area and in order to carry out the work safely they need to shut down the power on the date specified above.  They will do their best to keep the time the power is off to a minimum.

Any questions call 0800 3163 105 24 hrs a day

The overhead cables will be shrouded near Hall Drive and there will be temporary traffic management in place to cover the section of work to be completed.