
“A Parish Council is a tier in the structure of Local Government. It does not have many statutory powers, but does provide an opportunity to its parishioners for guidance or comment on current issues and future legislation.”

Santon Downham Parish Council currently meets bi monthly. There are six Councillors and our meetings are often attended by County and District Councillors. All parishioners are welcome to attend, and there is always an opportunity to make comments or to ask questions.

The current Councillors (Sep 2022) are:-

      • Michael Mackender – Chairman
      • Andrew Butcher – Vice Chairman
      • Sylvia East – Parish Clerk
      • Debbie Cock
      • Ann Landell
      • Paul Brown.

(Declarations of acceptance of office can be viewed on the Forest Heath website)

Santon Downham Parish Council is firmly non-political and tries hard to apply a ‘light touch’ and a responsible influence on matters of concern to the parish.

private_roadSanton Downham Parish Council owns the Village Greens, several pieces of land within the village, the internal village roads and the Village Hall building and land upon which it sits.

Santon Downham Parish Council is ‘Landlord’ to two tenants. The village hall is managed by Trustees, as its own charity, to maintain and retain the village hall, it is not a sub committee of the Parish Council. The Breckland Club is a Members Club and is managed by a committee on behalf of its members.

Santon Downham Parish Councillors are assisted by an employed part-time Clerk, who acts as the legally recognised administrator and bookkeeper.”

All Councillors are unpaid.

If you would like further information please contact our Clerk