Adopted Telephone Box and the Defibrillator Project

Santon Downham parish council are absolutely delighted to advise its residents that the Brandon And District Rotary Club’s fun golfing day on Sunday, 28th June 2017 was a wonderful success.   The weather could not have been better and the day itself was great fun.

Before the day began, £450 had already been raised by the Rotary Club from, i believe local businesses.  This was an amazing start.   There were several village residents that turned up to participate in the golf itself and great support from the Rotary Club and others.  With the addition of a very successful raffle and  donations by village residents unable to participate in the golf, somewhere in the region of £1,600 was raised.  The Brandon And District Rotary Club decided not only to donate the whole of the day’s funds raised, but to add on to this and bring the total upto £1,800 which is approximately what the full defibrillator package will cost.  The Parish Council has been given a cheque and the defibrillator project has now been given the go ahead through community heartbeat who will fully oversee the project.

Some villagers have expressed concerns about how this will all work, and need not worry.  In the community heartbeat package is included a full training session that will be open to each and every village resident and this will be arranged and will take place in the village hall at a date that will be advised.   The issue of the locked cabinet and how this will work will be thoroughly explained.

With regard to the proposed little library, we have collected quite a few books already and have had many offers of books from villagers.  Once we have some idea as to when the defibrillator can be fitted the shelving will be sorted out and we hope to have a proper “opening” of same.

If anyone has any questions, please do ask one of your councillors or you can ring our chairman, Michael Mackender on 811681, or our parish clerk, Sylvia East on 815213

Telephone Box

You may have noticed that the telephone box has been de-commissioned.

Our plans are to renovate and then to make use of the space as a community book exchange.   We are also exploring with Rotary and Community Heartbeat Trust the possibility of a defibrillator being installed for emergency use.  More details will follow in due course.

Sheepwatch Launched

Helping local communities to reduce the number of attacks by dogs on sheep
sheepwatchParish Councils in your part of the country may already be aware of distressing attacks on sheep by dogs: over 600 have been killed in the first dozen weeks of 2016 (probably only the tip of a, largely unreported, iceberg) – and most of them will have been pregnant.
Sheepwatch UK is a new initiative, recently featured on BBC Countryfile, which is trying to help people work together to reduce the number of attacks on sheep and support responsible dog ownership.
There is now a website and a Toolkit of ideas which may be of interest to Parish Councils, community groups, schools, farmers and others.
Please feel free to circulate the following details to Parish Councils:
·        Dog attacks on sheep seem to be increasing: a situation that affects rural businesses, animal welfare, community relations, access to the countryside, food prices and much more
·        The problem can be addressed by bringing people together and using education and awareness to gradually change behaviours
·        Parish Councils may be able to play an important role in this matter
·        Sheepwatch UK is a new initiative which is trying to help people work together to reduce the number of attacks on sheep and support responsible dog ownership
·        The initiative is working closely with the Kennel Club, Farmers Unions, Police Forces, the National Sheep Association and others
·        Thousands of sheep (many of them pregnant) are killed by dogs every year – and many more are worried (which can lead to them losing lambs which they are carrying)
·        SheepWatch UK is trying to encourage all farmers to report incidents to its website so that there is a better picture of the scale, nature and costs of the problem
·        The campaign will offer ideas and advice to farmers as well as producing a ‘Toolkit’ for local communities so that they can organise local campaigns to increase awareness and encourage responsible behaviour in the countryside
·        Communities are encouraged to obtain copies of the Toolkit and find out more about the issue via the SheepWatch UK website
·        A national conference (free of charge) is being arranged for Friday 3rd June (details via the SheepWatch UK website)
·        The initiative has already been featured on BBC Countryfile and interest in using the Toolkit to organise local campaigns has already been received from over half the counties in the country.
We hope that this information may be helpful to you and to Parish Councils in your area.  There will be no ‘quick fix’ to this issue but, hopefully, if lots of communities take an interest and help to raise awareness then changes might be seen over the years ahead …
With best wishes
Doug Jones and Terena Plowright

Brown Bin Service

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Donec sit amet orci at ante accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur dolor erat, imperdiet vitae ipsum nec, viverra egestas lacus. Morbi ut ante risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras et molestie elit. Quisque non mi ac risus faucibus tempus id a eros. Donec ut ex consectetur, varius felis vel, ornare nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Sed vitae ligula turpis. Curabitur finibus nunc eu lectus tincidunt mollis. Proin felis magna, venenatis non efficitur eget, fermentum at tellus. Integer tortor tortor, varius in urna fermentum, vestibulum tristique justo. Sed a arcu tincidunt, tempus risus vel, finibus ligula. Phasellus finibus rutrum orci, ut iaculis nulla maximus vel.

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