Category: Minutes
Present: Mr Michael Mackender (Chairman) Mr Andrew Butcher (Vice Chairman)
Mrs Sylvia East (Parish Clerk) Mrs Ann Landells (Parish Councillor)
Mr Paul Brown (Parish Councillor) Mr Adrian Baugh (Parish Councillor
In Attendance:
Cllr Victor Lukanuik, Suffolk County Council
Members of the Public
Mrs Christine Field, Ms Dot Sayer, Ms Eleen Howard, Mr Mark Cornwall, Mrs Vicky Cork and Mr Will Cork
- The Chairman welcomed all present
- Apologies – Mr Daplyn and Mrs Cock had offered their apologies
- Declaration of interest on items on the Agenda. There were none.
- Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 2nd September were signed as a true record
- Parish Clerk’s Report
Update on Accounts
The Clerk advised the current funding as at 25th October 2024 stands at £12,983.30.
Precept 2026-2026
Since we did not have a full quota of Parish Councillors it was agreed the Precept decision would be held over until the 23rd December meeting.
The Parish Clerk read out a letter addressed to the Parish Councillors from the Village Sub Committee inviting them all along to the Christmas Carol service on Friday, 13th December commencing 7.00 pm.
- Chairman asked whether the Councillors had anything to report
There was nothing to report but Mr Butcher referred to a tree he and the Chairman had looked at which is being ‘strangled’ with ivy. This matter will be looked into.
- Chairman asked the County Councillor present if he had anything to report
Cllr Lukanuik stated he had nothing to comment on that particularly affects Santon Downham, however, commented on the time it is taking for the gas main works down Green Road to be accomplished.
- Chairmans Report
The Chairman reported back on the meeting held between the Village Hall and The Breckland Club. He advised although there were a few issues raised on both sides it was determined both the Hall and the Club need to survive and therefore the best way forward, was for there to be cooperation. It was agreed the two Secretaries would keep each other fully uptodate regarding anything that may clash. It would be impossible for either hall or club to never clash but with some cooperation on all sides when there is a clash of events the issues that have been experienced can be sorted out ahead of time.
The Chairman went on to advise those present of a bit of background history he hoped would clarify some of the misunderstanding about what the Village Hall stands for, and advised the Parish Clerk did not know of this part of the history although it will be in the archives. When the village hall rebuild was being discussed the then Parish Council sought finance for this and were in fact rejected for financial assistance under the description of a Village Hall because the village was so small, however, they were accepted as a Community Centre so that it was more widely acknowledged the hall was there not only for its villagers but also for the outlying area.
It is technically irrelevant whether it is now described as a Village Hall or a Community Centre since the criteria of Village Halls is they are there for the wider community, but the Chairman felt it was important these facts were known.
Plug in Initiative
A site inspection was carried out and Santon Downham accepted for the project. It had been suggested 4 bays would be put to the right of the Village Hall near the Village Hall sign, the proposal was for a 7kw and a 22kw charger, the latter presumably being a faster charge. Again it was decided that since not all Parish Councillors were present, the decision would be made at the next meeting. The Chairman did comment it would be preferable to have two of the faster charges to avoid cars being parked for lengthy periods of time. Relevance was once more placed on the fact that as a Parish Council we do need to consider the future and move with the times.
Remembrance Wreath
The Chairman advised he had gone down to the British Legion in Brandon as in the past and had been advised they no longer order the wreaths. The Parish Clerk was asked to look into the purchase of a wreath. Cllr Lukanuik offered to find out if West Suffolk had any spare wreaths the Parish Council could purchase but the Parish Clerk advised since she is off on holiday Thursday, she was somewhat tight for time. The Parish Clerk will therefore find out where a wreath can be obtained.
Village Hall Roof
The Chairman mentioned the issue of raised boards on the roof. He had after several attempts, secured a quotation to change over 17 of the boards, refelt etc. The quotation is for £2,100 and it was suggested this be split 3 ways, Parish Council, Emergency Hall Fund and the new Hall Committee.
Cllr Lukanuik offered to seek £700 contribution from his Locality Fund. This therefore would assist greatly. The Parish Clerk would sort out the necessary request before her holiday and the matter will be further discussed at the next meeting. As Vice Chairman of the Sub Village Hall Committee,
Mr Adrian Baugh was asked to discuss this with their Committee.
- Mrs Cork made a statement to the effect there was a lot of gossip in the village that she may have been responsible for the vandalism of the Village Hall signs. The Chairman commented he personally had heard no such gossip. Mrs Cork said she was not responsible and wished this to be Minuted.
- Mrs Field asked if Duncan Slade from Forestry England was invited to attend the Parish Council Meetings, the Parish Clerk concurred this was so. Mrs Field also asked if the issued she had raised about the edges down Marks Lane, Forestry side owned, had been reported. Again the Parish Clerk advised she had done so.
- Ms Howard asked when the next Parish Council Elections were to take place and was advised this would be May 2027. She also asked if there were processes to follow and was advised this was the case. Essentially local papers would report on these Elections and there would also be a notice placed on the Parish Council Notice Board which would clearly identify the main rules.
- There were further comments made about gossip in the village and the Chairman stated the village had plenty of gossip but as is so often the case this tended to become extremely distorted and it is a pity that such misinformation continues to be passed on.
- The Parish Clerk commented on a letter she had received that day from Openreach asking for permission to carry out Fibre related work for Hall House, Marks Lane. The map sent showed the Toby box to go on Hall House side but also showed works across the Parish owned road ending on the Forestry Commission owned land. The Clerk advised she was not able to sign off on behalf of the Parish Council since we are not the owners of all of the area needed for the work. She has therefore advised the house owner and sent off an email to Open Reach. It is likely any answer will be whilst she is away so unfortunately any work will be shelved until she returns from her holiday.
- The Chairman confirmed the date of the next meeting is Monday, 23rd December 2024
- The Meeting closed at